Amateur Comms & Off-Grid Power Post Disaster

The loss of grid-tied power and communications in places like Puerto Rico & Dominique, shows us the importance of unconvintional strategies for amateur field comms and grid-down energy generation. Although governments seem to throw lots of money at cleanup, most of us still need to come up with our own strategy for getting word to loved ones, and generating portable power post-disaster using amateur field radio gear.

How’s your post-disaster comms and power plan coming along? Have you connected the dots yet, understanding the training connection between casual field operating, and post-disaster grid down comms & power?

The upcoming RaDAR Challenge  (November 4 2017) is a perfect opportunity to put your field comms strategy to the test. Find more information on Greg N4KGL’s blog

Training doesn’t have to look like work!
Get outside!

Julian oh8stn 

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