Tag: solar powered
Winlink VaraFM VaraHF Project
Hello Operators I recently started work on a long overdue Winlink project. The project is a gateway serving the Northern Gulf of Bothnia coastal region between Sweden and Finland. Project plan This document serves are a guide or reminder of the goals of the project. In the simplest terms, the project is designed to provide…
Portable Solar Panel Review | Off Grid Trek 120 watt OGT120
Hello Operators.Today we are taking a first look at the 120-watt folding solar panel from Off Grid Trek. ContextMany of you have asked for a more economical alternative to the extremely lightweight amorphous panels from PowerFilm Solar. There certainly are other flexible options like the CIGS panels which have their own issues, but none with…
Sad News: Inergy Apex Review
Hello Operators This is a hard video to share, but it needs to be. Honestly I have no horse in this race, but I always do my best to inspire people to build their own Solar Power Systems. What you’re going to see in this video, is exactly the reason I think we should be…