Hello Operators.
Since early on June 29th, I’ve been running a test with JS8Call. Having switched from primarily operating on 40 meters with the mode, now running 20 meters during the day and 40 meters at night. This isn’t even one complete day yet however, I thought you’d get a kick out of the results so far.
I understand not everyone can put up a skyloop but it solves so many problems.
- Lower noise floor
- Higher gain
- Better reception
- Doesn’t require very much height
For JS8Call, dividing operations between 20 meters during the day, and 40 at night opens up opportunities this station never had on 40 meters alone. As you can see from some of the graphics, 20 meters indicated in yellow, shows a deeper penetration into North America than 40 meters indicated in blue.
In contrast, my station rarely makes it into Australia on 20m, while on 40m, it’s a daily occurrence.
If I were Chameleon Antenna, I would make different versions of this antenna for various bands. A full wavelength 20-meter Skyloop might not be effective on 80 & 40, but it would be effective on 20-6m. I also think chameleon antennas should consider an extremely Lite version of the skyloop for man-portable ops. Something with lighter line, smaller transformer, 50-watt capabilities, and various band options.

I don’t know guys. I keep pinching myself thinking I’m going to wake up from a sick mind-twisting dream. I’ve simply never had such an amazing antenna for HF. I firmly believed we had to have yagi antennas and large towers to get such capabilities. The horizontal loop in a Delta configuration seems to be pretty amazing. The square configuration is supposed to be even better! How it can get any better, is beyond my imagination.
In North America Gigaparts is up to date with Skyloop news and information. Visit Gigaparts Skyloop pages (https://www.gigaparts.com/skyloop-2-horizontal-full-wave-loop-antenna.html)
More skyloop articles
- Planning an 80m skyloop for winlink https://oh8stn.org/blog/2021/04/27/skyloop-antenna-hybrid-winlink-network-part-1/
- Annual Army NETCOM QRPX Competition https://oh8stn.org/blog/2021/04/10/qrpx-army-netcom-annual-hf-low-power-competition/
- The Ultimate wire antenna Chameleon SKYLOOP https://oh8stn.org/blog/2021/06/12/the-ultimate-wire-antenna-chameleon-skyloop-2-0/
You can find more information about the Chameleon SKYLOOP at Chameleon Antenna(https://chameleonantenna.com/shop-here/ols/products/cha-skyloop ).
Julian oh8stn
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/oh8stn
TipJar: https://paypal.me/oh8stn/1usd
Sir, your works are amazing. Chameleon, I’m sure, listens to you, for their product lines are always seeing improvement, and the consumer is the beneficiary. Thank-You, Sir, for all you do, and the lives you have, or will save, by your efforts. All the Best to You and Yours….
Thank you for this comment. One thing I’ve been passionate about throughout my life remains radio. So I just love to share that passion.
Julian oh8stn