The Ham Radio camper caravan trailer gets some off-grid solar-powered updates.
Today we look at the the off-grid goals for the camping trailer. We also look at using a raspberry pi and Elecrow 7inch touchscreen, to build Victron VenusOS power management system. This should make it easy to monitor the Power Queen LiFePO4 battery, the generated energy from the new AllPowers solar panels, and current load from all the portable ham radio gear. With all these updates, the camper trailer should be completely sustainable, anywhere it is deployed.
Although the Genasun controllers are excellent at stamping out noise, we sometimes need to come up with clever ways to deal with their limited voltage and power handling. Part two of the Ham Radio Camper Caravsn goes through sorting out noise, improved grounding, and maximizing energy storage and collection, so we can stay off-grid longer.
Elecrow 7 inch raspberry pi touchscreen

The Elecrow 7 inch touchscreen is coupled with a raspberry pi 4b. Combined they both host the Victron VenusOS /DIY Cerbo GX)

All Powers SF100 solar panels Europe
AllPowers SF100 Semi-Flexible Solar Panels were added to the camper trailer in mid July 2024. Performance wise, they produce an insane amount of energy. Cloudy wx performance was better than expected. Long term review will need some time.
Discount OGHR10 Navigate the the page, select solar panels, then choose SF100

All Powers SF100 solar panels USA
AllPowers SF100 Semi-Flexible Solar Panels were added to the camper trailer in mid July 2024. Performance wise, they produce an insane amount of energy. Cloudy wx performance was better than expected. Long term review will need some time.
Discount: OGHR10. Navigate the the page, select solar panels, then choose SF100.

Power Queen LiFePO4 batteries
Power Queen has supported many of the projects found on the channel and blog. I have used these batteries exclusively since August 2023. I have had some logistical issues with Power Queen in Europe, but they always get things sorted out. Regarding the battery hardware, the packs have performed reliably, and even better than expected. Theyve been reliable, and consistent, making the entire experience a positive one. For the camper caravan project, Power Queen provided a 280ah 3584wh LiFePO4 battery. The battery has a 200 amp load capability, 4000 charge cycles at 100% DOD.
Manufacturers like Power Queen are important as they bridge the cost gap between traditional lead-acid batteries, and the better performing, better value LiFePO4.

Power Queen LiFePO4
Power Queen offers a range of LiFePO4 batteries for off-grid use. These batteries are available throughout the European Union, the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. In fact, you can get a 5% discount using JULIANOH8STN while shopping on their various websites.
Use discount code JULIANOH8STN
- United States https://ipowerqueen.com/?ref=0q1c0pan
- Europe https://www.ipowerqueen.de/?ref=732d60hj
- Canada https://ca.ipowerqueen.com/?ref=y0igztbu
- United Kingdom https://uk.ipowerqueen.com/?ref=k0j3c653
Power Queen made the “Building an off-grid ham shack” project possible. Please show some love.
This post isn’t the typical episode notes I like to publish. For those of you who like to read my blog, the real information is in the video. Regardless, I’ll keep this page updated with additional links and discounts as they become available.
Julian oh8stn
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