PowerFilm Solar Tutorials

I get lots of feedback from people saying they get the same value and functionality from “cheap” eBay or Alibaba solar panels as with the PowerFilm Solar panels. That might appear true, if your only requirement is “cheap price”. So I decided to put this playlist together, showing you exactly why I chose PowerFilm, as my portable solar panel supplier.

When you’ve done your research, and have your own requirements pointing to specific product specs, ignoring those specs is the very last thing you should do. Instead you should be searching for the product which fulfills your own requirements! Choosing an alternative based solely upon price, is generally a bad decision economically and strategically.  It certainly is possible to get a good deal on something used  or no longer useful to someone else, but it simply isn’t possible to get high quality, portability, and the same functionality, without spending any money.  

So don’t get scammed by the seemingly cheap eBay or Alibaba products. Just do the research to understand what you’re buying, before you shoot yourself in the foot.

It’s the requirements not the price which determines which portable panel is the right one for you.

Julian oh8stn

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