Lots of antenna “experts” keep telling me the inverted lazy l is not an effective antenna. I’m told the modeling of this configuration, give back poor results. What about in the real world?
In the real world I worked three new countries this past weekend. Brazil, South Africa and Armenia. Armenia is odd man out, but South Africa and Brazil are astonishing. As I mentioned in the video and previous posts I’ve also worked North America, Asia, as well as stations in Finland Norway and Sweden, without changing the configuration.
We could explain this with improving band conditions. Of course the flip side is I putting up his antenna, then immediately getting into North America and Asia, where I wasn’t consistently before. Now also South America and South Africa, with the best results being on 30, 20, 18 & 6 meters. 40 and 80 M with this configuration could be better.
I would be really interested in someone telling me why this antenna is working in this configuration, rather than assuming (based on a Model) it won’t. Write a blog post with a trackback if you have an answer. You can also leave a comment on this post or on the social media link where you’re reading it.
Julian oh8stn