Hello Operators.
It’s been a while since I posted an update to my website. The simple truth is the website became too big, and too popular for my hosting.
Over the past two weeks, some really awesome supporters have stepped up to support the channel and website. This was unsolicited and quite a surprise. The Channel and blog are never profit-making, which is totally okay. Still, thanks to those unexpected donations, rhe website got a much-needed update, on the back-end.
I’m about to break with blogger tradition, and start phasing out G**gle advertising on this website. That may seem counterintuitive, but the benefits for the readers definitely outweigh any downsides. The site may take a small hit for a while, but it’s definitely worth doing.
I’m coming up with a couple of different ways to augment the loss of ad-rev, one of which is adding one new site sponsor. If you’re a small business in the amateur radio, portable/off grid power, or preparedness scene, get in touch. I’m not trying to get rich, just trying to cover yearly website costs.
I have an awful lot of backlogged blog posts, which haven’t been published. Considering the videos going along with these blog posts have already been published, they may seem a bit out of order. It might become a little annoying, but please don’t give me a hard time.
That’s it for now.
Julian oh8stn