Hello operators. Many of you know I’ve been using the Chameleon EMCOMM III Portable for quite some time. It’s my primary wire antenna when I’m out in the field. I’m also using its big brother the Base version at home in a sloping V configuration. That’s the Chameleon EMCOMM III Base.
Recently I’ve had to set up additional antennas at home, in order to do testing with the new radios and new modes I’m playing with. Certainly it’s nice to put up a quarter wave vertical with a plethora of radials around its base, but that’s not always practical. Sometimes it’s nice to have an end fed random wire antenna, to make deployment at home much more practical. And that’s the case here. Since it’s winter, the primary ham shack is a no-go . So the spare room of my house changes roles, until the shack is thawed out. Needless to say the goal was coming up with effective antenna configurations, using equipment I already had. Well I already had the portable version of the Chameleon EMCOMM III Portable. I set that antenna up just outside the window of this room, in a dipole configuration. I raised the apex of the EMCOMM III Portable with a Spiderbeam 12m telescopic mast. I terminated the other end of the 73 foot wire, into a tree on the other side of my property.

Surprised would be an understatement. I started hearing stations here in Europe, I didn’t even know were there. As you know I’m usually running HamRing (SELCAL) and JS8Call. Now I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I’m running the ft-891 at 45 to 50 Watts. Actually, I’m running 15 to 18 Watts from the Xiegu G90, and getting absolute coverage across Europe and Western Russia. I even occasionally hit the east coast of North America 15 watts using this antenna configuration. This is reliable communications, not the random chance qso.
What I’ve realized is for people who need to put up a temporary antenna, or for someone who isn’t allowed to have a permanent antenna, the chameleon EMCOMM III Portable (or base) with a Spiderbeam telescopic mast, could turn an impossible antenna situation, into a situation where you can actually work some decent DX.
So what I’d like from all of you EMCOMM Base or Portable users, is try to use your antenna in one of these configurations. Then give feedback in social media of your results. Was it better, was it worse, how did it work out for you? Just tag me in your post ( @oh8stn ) so I can find it.
Don’t forget to snake a small length of wire to the cold side of the EMCOMM III Portable.
73, Julian oh8stn