Hello Operators
I was just sitting here looking at the Yaesu ft-891, thinking to myself about “what if”.
You know, if Yaesu would make a 20 watt version of this radio, with an internal audio interface, single USB wire cat and audio, plus an RX current draw less that 400ma, I would walk through broken glass and fire to buy one! It’s not like they don’t have the expertise in the house. The ft-991a has an internal audio interface, and their previous Vertex Standard VX series is extremely efficient in regards to current consumption. For those who say “the screen is not energy efficient”, agreed, so change it out! Look at the IC-705, it has a big beautiful screen, with very little overhead.
Much of the feedback I get on the channel suggests many operators aren’t willing to trust radios not made in the United States or Japan. Feedback also suggests operators want a reliable yet energy efficient field radio that puts out 20 watts. Why does Yaesu keep its focus on contest radios, rather than fulfilling that portable field radio Niche which they’ve been so good at for nearly 20 years!?
I don’t think Yaesu has to compete with a KX2, KX3, IC-705, … there is a market right here begging for a lite version, of the Yaesu FT-891.
Just dreaming
73, Julian oh8stn