Hello Operators.
Many of you may remember the Icom ic-705 discussion regarding antenna tuners. Well I ordered the Elecraft T1, the Mat-705plus, and already had the z100 plus from LDG. The idea was simply to do a comparison with a 705, to see if we could find out the pros and cons of the various tuner options. There was nothing Sinister about this. I simply thought it would make a good an interesting video.
The Elecraft T1 arrived first. Solid company, solid order, fast shipping, absolutely no issues. The plan was to order the ah-705 as soon as it is available. We are still waiting for the AH-705 update. Finally, I ordered the mat-705plus directly from Mat Tuner. This is when the trouble started.

What became immediately apparent with the Matt tuner company, is the very definition of a complete Chinese internet scam! After placing the MAT-705Plus order, I was given a thousand different reasons, why the tracking number wouldn’t update. The nonsense from MAT Tuner was so bad, I ultimately put my rubber boots on, just to cancel the order. Now they are refusing to cancel the order, but I don’t have the tuner either!
It was easy to see how poorly engineered the original mat 705 tuner was. Still vibroplex, pushes them out the door, as if they’re the best thing since sliced bread. We thought the orginal mat-705 problems were corrected, with the introduction of the Mat-705plus version. From where I’m sitting, the problem isn’t with engineering, the problem is with management and integrity! If that tuner ever arrives, It’ll be shown on the channel, and it will get a fair shake. Unfortunately regardless of how well engineered it is, I will recommend using your money elsewhere.
Buy the Elecraft T1, and make yourself a control cable for the 705. Alternatively, wait for the Icom AH-705.
I am seriously sick of getting ripped off by Chinese companies!
Julian oh8stn
YouTune: http://www.youtube.com/c/oh8stn
Tip-Jar: https://paypal.me/oh8stn/1usd