Hello operators
If you missed yesterday’s winlink Wednesday check-ins, Kentucky’s holding there winlink net today, Thursday April 22nd. Operators anywhere are welcome to participate. Please use this NET to check in over RF. Using a telnet connection defeats the purpose of the NET.
NET Info from Facebook (Thanks Dean)
Just posted on FB @0315 UTC
Kentucky Winlink Net
When: April 22nd 2021 00:00LT EST (05:00 UTC/ZULU) to 23:59LT EST (4/9 04:59 UTC/ZULU) (Technically it is up and ready for connection right now, but those are the official times)
Session Type: Messages will be accepted via VARA P2P (frequency below) or may be posted to an RMS gateway of your choice and protocol for pickup.
P2P Frequency: Center Frequency 3.581 KHz USB, Dial Frequency 3579.5 KHz USB
Information Requested: All requested info should be submitted on a Winlink Check In form.
Winlink Check In form fields should be field out as follows:
Date/Time: Date and time of report
Status: NET
Band: HF Amateur if sending on HF, VHF if sending on a 2-meter frequency, UHF is sending on 70 centimeter frequency
Mode: Select mode you are sending. If using VARA pick either HF or FM depending on the band used. If sending Ardop select that. If sending via packet select packet.
Send To: AF4Y
Call Signs of Initial On-Site Operators: Leave Blank or your call
Sender: Your Callsign
Location: Your QTH, if EOC or Hospital please note
Decimal GPS Coordinates: Easily looked up using your address via https://www.itilog.com/
MGRS: Will auto populate once you put in GPS info
Grid: Will auto populate once you put in GPS info
Comments: Please answer the following questions. Last one is Trivia thought we could have some fun with our practice. Feel free to lookup the answers if you want, we are not keeping score and you may learn something new to you.
1) What County and State are you in?
2) Do you monitor WWV or WWVH?
3) Non-Ham related trivia: What was the official language of England for over 600 years?
Here are images of my Kentucky forms.
Remember the reason we use these nets. Skills must be maintained or we loose them. Asynchronous communications is know different than building expertise at the range, in the office, or on a lathe. We need to put the work in!
Julian oh8stn
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/oh8stn
TipJar: https://paypal.me/oh8stn/1usd