JPC-12 & IC-705 Portable Antenna Field Test

Hello Operators. Today we are operating QRP to 10 watts with the JPC-12 portable HF antenna and Icom IC-705. Is this the best HF & 6M antenna for the Icom IC-705? Perhaps it is!

The JPC-12 is a coil-loaded quarter wave vertical antenna covering all ham radio bands from 40 meters through 50Mhz, including CB Radio. It is small, lightweight, extremely quick to deploy and very easy to setup.

This was my first portable deployment with the JPC 12. I was operating QRP to 10 watts with the Icom 705. The JPC-12 was sent over from PileupDX for testing and review.

More on the JPC-12

JPC-12 Playlist:

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Julian oh8stn
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