WSJT-X & FLDigi on Raspberry Pi

Hello operators.

Although I have a pretty good background in Linux, using the raspberry pi for ham radio is a new endeavor. Here are a couple of resources I have either found or were given to me by friends. These resources will help you get started with wsjt-x and fldigi on your brand new Raspberry Pi.

My configuration

I’m using a headless Raspberry Pi 3 B+. I use a Samsung Galaxy Tab active as a screen and interface for the Raspberry Pi. I used the zlp MiniProSC audio interface connected to the USB port of the Raspberry Pi, with its digital output connected to the Yaesu ft-891 or Yaesu ft-817. For the Yaesu ft-891 its USB port connects to the Raspberry Pi as well. The whole thing is powered by my 10 amp hour lithium iron phosphate battery, and powerfilm solar panel.

Setup, installation & repositories

First of all it wasn’t easy setting up wsjt-x from the raspbian repositories, because those packages are extremely outdated. So you’ll either need to build your own installation packages from source, or find an updated repository to install from. Here are two web pages which helped immensely in setting up both of those software packages.

  • The best way to ensure you get the latest greatest version of fldigi is to compile it yourself . KK5JY has made a step by step tutorial to show us how to do exactly that Compile FLDigi for Raspberry Pi
  • The next tutorial is from DL1GKK. He shows us how to get up to date repository for wsjt-x for the Raspberry Pi, as well as installing FLDigi. Take a look at his website

I’m sure I would have been able to achieve my Raspberry Pi for ham radio goals, but it was definitely made easier by the kind and helpful operators in the portable digital & qrp group on Facebook.

I’ll keep sharing Raspberry Pi for ham radio resources as I find them. I’ll also continue shariny my own Raspberry Pi projects in blogs and videos as I get them done. Hopefully what we’ve shared so far has been useful for you.

Julian oh8stn
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4 responses to “WSJT-X & FLDigi on Raspberry Pi”

  1. Excellent work. Thank you so much for these tutorials.

    I also wanted to post this video for anyone trying to enable VNC on their Pi

    1. Julian OH8STN Avatar
      Julian OH8STN

      You’re very welcome thanks for the kindness.👍👍👍

      1. WWW.ХХХ.DSЕХОZ.ХУZ Avatar

        What ?

    2. WWW.ХХХ.ZFVDGК.ХУZ Avatar

      What ?