Hello Operators.
Today on OH8STN Ham Radio we are answering the question where we can buy PowerFilm solar panels. I have been using portable solar panels for portable off grid and grid down work, quite some time. The Lightsaver Max, foldable and rollable panels are included in many of my kits. The power to weight characteristics of PowerFilm thin-film amorphous silicon is nothing short of astonishing. This makes it possible to carry a solar panel in a go kit, INCH bag, for bug out, emergency communications or preparedness, without sacrificing weight or space for other items.
In a disaster, we can never know if or when we find ourselves abandoning a vehicle. What we do know from field training is if we have too much gear to carry, we will start shedding the heaviest pieces of gear. I can’t imagine anyone carrying a lead-acid battery or unnecessarily heavy solar panel very far. In a foot race our perceptions change. What we once considered reasonable, gets left behind when shedding weight. Remember “Ounces equal pounds and pounds equal pain”.
Share video URL: https://youtu.be/T12TU-Q6L-8
When buying a PowerFilm panels or Genasun charge controllers, you can use the following links.
North America
120 watt FM16-7200: https://oh8stn.net/30YAeFz
100-watt FM16-6000: https://oh8stn.net/3DXtAOo
60-watt FM16-3600: https://oh8stn.net/3E38f6f
30-watt FM16-1800: https://oh8stn.net/2ZyAQ4w
20-watt FM16-1200: https://oh8stn.net/3yza6xP
PowerFilm Lightsaver Max QRP: https://oh8stn.net/3nYR8Ny
Genasun RF quiet Charge controllers
Genasun GV5L LiFePO4: https://oh8stn.net/30lu2HP
Genasun GV10L LiFePO4: https://oh8stn.net/3Da5Up3
Genasun GV10 Lead Acid: https://oh8stn.net/3IKJgY7
PowerFilm Panels in Europe
Solar Bag Shop: https://oh8stn.net/3lXy54s
Genasun Charge controllers Europe: https://oh8stn.net/3ETuPyw
PowerFIlm in Canada
Canadian Preparedness: https://oh8stn.net/3pUsY6e
Related Videos
Icom IC-705 & PowerFilm Lightsaver max:
The Ultimate QRP Power Supply:
Portable solar power by PowerFilm:
Related blogs
- PowerFilm foldable/rollable buyers guide: https://oh8stn.net/3pUnacW
- PF Lightsaver max rig compatibility list: https://oh8stn.net/31QMR6o
- Other PowerFilm posts on OH8STN blog : https://oh8stn.net/3IK3H7B
Lots of effort goes into these posts. Researching each component, software application, pragmatic field testing. When you see these posts, the mistakes and blunders have already been filtered out. If you find any value in that, share this post and/or buy me a rootbeer.
Julian oh8stn
YouTube http://www.youtube.com/c/oh8stn
Buy me a rootbeer: https://paypal.me/oh8stn/2usd