Since working closely with Power Queen USA & Power Queen Europe for the off-grid ham shack project, I thought you’d all appreciate the current Power Queen deals for March 2024. As always, use my coupon code for discounts.
Off-Grid Ham Shack status
The current status of the off-grid ham shack is extremely positive. I’m running 4x 12.8 volt 100 amp hour LiFePO4 batteries in parallel. All of these packs came from Power Queen battery. In total, the station has 5120 watt-hours of primary battery storage. These batteries power the lights, computers, radios, diesel heater, SDR, and everything else used on the station.
Recharging is done with Renogy solar panels and an ElvWis wind turbine.

Power Queen Promotions March 2024
Power Queen promotions for March are currently only available on US and European sites. For Canada and UK, you can still use my coupon code (JULIANOH8STN) for a 5% discount on those sites.
Here are the batteries and promotions:
USA site:

Event time: March 4th to March 10th
Current promotions are for large capacity batteries. The smallest of these is 100 amp-hours. The largest is 280 amp-hours:
Order more than 500$, Get 4% OFF
Order more than 1000$, Get 5% OFF
Order more than 2000$, Get 6% OFF

12.8V 100Ah Premium (229.99$at Checkout): https://goaff.pro/12V100AhPremiumUSA/?ref=0q1c0pan
12.8V 100Ah Low Temp (239.99$ at Checkout): https://goaff.pro/12V100AhLowTempUSA/?ref=0q1c0pan

12.8V 200Ah Plus (518.39$ at Checkout): https://goaff.pro/12V100AhPlusUSA/?ref=0q1c0pan
12.8V 200Ah Plus Low Temp(566.39$ at Checkout): https://goaff.pro/12V100AhPlusLowTempUSA/?ref=0q1c0pan

New Arrival:
12.8V 280Ah Low Temp (659.99$ at Checkout): https://goaff.pro/12V280AhLowTempUSA/?ref=0q1c0pan
European site:

Event time: March 4th to March 10th
Sitewide Promotions:
Order more than 1500€, Save 50€
Order more than 2000€, Save 60€

12V 200Ah Plus (589.99€ at Checkout): https://goaff.pro/12V200AhPlus/?ref=732d60hj
12V 100Ah Low Temp (289.99€ at Checkout): https://goaff.pro/12V100AhLowTemp/?ref=732d60hj

12V 100Ah(289.99€ at Checkout): https://goaff.pro/12V100Ah/?ref=732d60hj
24V 100Ah (569.99€ at Checkout): https://goaff.pro/24V100Ah/?ref=732d60hj
(Careful! 24 volts!)

New Arrival:
This is a 12.8V 280Ah Low Temp battery launching March 8 in Europe. There will be a 40€ Coupon on this battery. I’ll update the European link as soon as it’s up on the PQDE site.
Don’t forget to use my coupon code for 5% discount: JULIANOH8STN
I’m not sure if my discount can be combined with other offers, but certainly try!
Apologies for UK and Canada. Although there are currently no active offers, keep in mind you can still use my standing discount code JULIANOH8STN for 5% discount.

For those replicating my ham shack, I’m using 4x 12.8v 100ah PQ LiFePO4 batteries. For Europe, the batteries linked are identical. For USA, I replaced with one currently on offer.
Here are the links:
- Europe: https://goaff.pro/12V100Ah
- USA: https://goaff.pro/12V100AhPremiumUSA/?ref=0q1c0pan
Remember to use JULIANOH8STN discount code.
A few interesting links:
- Building a solar powered ham shack
- Radio friendly MPPT charge controllers
- Grid-Down Comms for Preppers
Power Queen LiFePO4
Power Queen offers a range of LiFePO4 batteries for off-grid use. These batteries are available throughout the European Union, the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. In fact, you can get a 5% discount using JULIANOH8STN while shopping on their various websites.
Use discount code JULIANOH8STN
- United States https://ipowerqueen.com/?ref=0q1c0pan
- Europe https://www.ipowerqueen.de/?ref=732d60hj
- Canada https://ca.ipowerqueen.com/?ref=y0igztbu
- United Kingdom https://uk.ipowerqueen.com/?ref=k0j3c653
Power Queen made the “Building an off-grid ham shack” project possible. Please show some love.
Alright guys. I hope you all find this effort useful. It takes lots of time to put these things together, but I think you are all worth it. The goal is always to give something back whenever I can.
Julian oh8stn
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- GigaParts: https://oh8stn.net/GigaParts
- Shop at Battery Hookup: https://oh8stn.net/batteryhookup
- Shop on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3P9Zq28 #sponsored
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