Hello Operators.
I’m excited to announce the availability of a brand-new standalone chapter from my upcoming ebook: “Grid Down Emergency Communications: How to Stay Connected When the Grid Goes Down.” The Communications Preparedness & Strategy section is now available for purchase as a separate document, offering valuable insights into building a solid communications strategy tailored for families and groups facing unpredictable disaster scenarios.
Too often, we see communications plans built around a single type of radio, assuming it will meet every need in any situation. This chapter challenges that mindset, providing a multi-layered approach that evaluates the pros and cons of each radio service—from unlicensed UHF to licensed VHF & HF—and explains why no single tool can be the entire solution. You’ll learn to build a versatile strategy that adapts to real-world circumstances, ensuring that your family or group stays connected, even when the unexpected happens.
What You’ll Get:
- A comprehensive breakdown of strategic communications concepts for preparedness.
- An analysis of common mistakes made in radio planning and how to avoid them.
- Step-by-step guidance on evaluating and layering different radio services for effective local and regional coverage.
- A deep dive into real-world scenarios where each type of radio service excels—and where it falls short.
How to Get It:
- The Communications Preparedness & Strategy chapter is available for purchase separately on Patreon and Ko-fi. If you’re looking to build your communication knowledge without committing to the entire book, this is a great place to start!
- This section has also been included in the pre-release files for those who pre-order or have pre-otdered the complete ebook on Patreon or Ko-fi.
- Patreon members who are already supporting me will receive this downloadable for free as a token of appreciation for your continued support!
If you want to get a head start on building a resilient communication plan, grab your copy today. This section will help you avoid the pitfalls of one-size-fits-all solutions and guide you toward a communications strategy built to withstand the challenges of grid-down scenarios.

That’s it for now Operators.
Julian oh8stn
Buy my book Grid Down Emergency Communications on Patreon or Ko-fi
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