This weekend we will be QRV on 30M using HFAPRS in PSK63 & MFSK16 modes, using APRS Messenger for TX/RX or DroidPSK for Android based TX beacons from the field.
We return to 30M as the majority of activity globally, is already on that band.
Goals of the event
- Get your beacon onto APRS.FI over RF.
- Igate the stations in your heard list to APRSIS .
- Exchange messages with other operators.
- Send your off-grid beacon from the field using HFAPRS in DroIdPSK. (Check DroudPSK hrlp for details).
- You can download APRS Messenger free from Cross Country Wireless here
- DroidPSK is available from the Google Play store.
- An excellent page for setting up APRS Messenger from here
I plan on deployihg 4-6 hours on Saturday with the solar powered field station. I’ll be using the new Yaesu FT-891, PowerFilm FM16-7200, and LiFePO4 Day Pack from this weeks video..
Please do not enable digipeating, as there is no need on HF.
Sending an HF aprs Beacon using DroidPSK is incredibly simple.
- Create a macro with the following text <aprs> macro can be named anything
- Make sure your call sign is correct in the operator setup acreen
- Change your mode PSK-63 in settings.
- Enable your GPS and wait for a fix.
- When you have a fix your grid locator will be displayed at the top of the DroidPSK screen.
- On my rig I use 10148.70 as the dial frequency, with 1000 Hertz offset set on the DroidPSK waterfall. This gives me 10149.70. Can deviate your audio frequency as much as you like, as long as the actual frequency transmit on is 10149.70.
- Send your beacon by pressing the aprs macro.
Stations with high noise floor or without access to 30M can still participate by engaging with HF operators, through APRSIS, or sending messages to participating stations through VHF igates.
This is a learning event, so please help and support one another if/when you can.
Julian oh8stn
What ?