Hello Operators.
This is the next video in the Icom IC-705 series. A big part of the discussion is using the Microsoft Surface tablet or laptop, together with the Icom ic-705. Additionally, we’ll be taking a look at the latest firmware update. This update, added new wireless remote control functionalities for voice and data modes, to the 705.
It really has to be said. Even if you don’t think you’d want the Icom IC-705, it is very important to watch this video. The video helps us understand the implications of the 705s release. I’m definitely an early adopter, but it will be extremely interesting to see how other amateur radio manufacturers, respond to the IC-705 capabilities.
In addition to my portable ham radio setup with the IC-705, we will go through the accessories used to make portable data modes like Winlink, JS8Call, FT8, all easier at home and or while operating portable. Finally, we’ll discuss how the Icom IC-705 has changed the way we operate at home, and in the field.
ICOM IC-705 Wireless Data Station
In addition to that video, there are a number of related blog posts you may want to take a look at.
- Icom IC-705 and Microsoft Surface Go 2
https://oh8stn.org/blog/2021/05/05/icom-ic-705-microsoft-surface-go-2-wireless-station/ - Icom IC-705 Winlink setup
https://oh8stn.org/blog/2021/02/02/icom-ic-705-winlink-express-setup/ - Icom IC-705 & PowerFilm Lightsaver Max | Portable QRP
https://oh8stn.org/blog/2020/12/14/icom-ic-705-powerfilm-lightsaver-max-portable-qrp/ - Icom AH-705 First Impressions
- Off Grid Power for the Microsoft Surface Go 2
- Protective case used for the Icom IC-705
This is the Maxpedition Large Water bottle Pouch It also fits the IC-705 with Peovi Mount cage fitted. There is also no need to remove the side handles. The pouch also has space enough for some cables, small endfed or dipole, spare battery, and other small things we carry along with the 705.
– From UK
Maxpedition 12″x5″ Large Padded Hydration Water Bottle Holder MOLLE Pouch Khaki From UK
– From USA
Maxpedition Water Bottle Holder MOLLE Pouch 12″ Tactical H2O Camp Hunt Hike TAN
https://ebay.us/cdu6Zy - All other Icom IC-705 related articles on oh8stn.org:
https://oh8stn.org/?s=ic-705 - Icom Remote Utility setup and configuration for IC-705 by Mark M0IAX
Icom IC-705 Playlist
Julian oh8stn
YouTube http://www.youtube.com/c/oh8stn
TipJar: https://paypal.me/oh8stn/2usd
What are you using to clip the mic to the tablet?
The Mike has a trrs connector built in. It simply slides into the trrs input on the tablet.