This morning I woke up to find a message from Bas PE4BAS. He heard my mfsk4 Beacon last evening or overnight, He decided to reach out and let me know he heard my station, while I slept.
Operators have asked me what’s the use of HFAPRS. One of the ways I plan to use it is as a heartbeat and messaging system while I am camped off-grid. There are a couple of benefits here. Firstly anyone can log on to aprs.fi and look at my current position. They don’t have to be an amateur radio operator. Secondly when I’m camped, people can see the progress I made between yesterday’s camp and today’s Camp as an example, again using aprs.fi or similar site. Once I’m camped and my station is set up, I send out beacons periodically with my status and current position. At that point I’m also able to to receive near-real-time messages over RF.
It’s not PCALE, but it does have a lot of features which PCALE is lacking.
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Julian oh8stn