My journey to setup a WinLink station using WinLink Express has been frustrating to say the least. Nevertheless, I am happy to report after troubleshooting and a process of limitation, have finally had some WinLink success.
I made connections with two different stations, two times respectively. One on 40m, the other on 80m. So now we know the station works and we can start planning on getting it out into the field.
The issue of finding the right station to connect with a still an issue, but that’s simply a matter of patience. The problem which prevented me from making the connections in the first place, was the ZLP MiniProSC. It’s simply refused to cooperate with Winlink Express. I’m not sure if it’s a timing problem or a noise level issue. What I do know is it was very frustrating.
ALE & WinLink in the field
So why are we talking about ALE and WinLink from fixed stations? That’s easy! Man portable and other field stations, rely on more powerful fixed stations, to provide them services. That might be an ALE BBSLINK, or an RMS Gateway. Like the Marine Corps says “everything we do supports infantry on the ground”. Well, everything I do from a fixed station support someone, somewhere, operating in the field. It could be a QRP Camper, hiking Camino de Santiago or the Arizona Trail. It could be a team setup for disaster relief in Nepal.
Anyway the ultimate goal for me is being able to deploy a field station with tools such as ALE and WinLink, being certain there are the voluntary fixed stations to support the op, regardless of it being casual comms, or emcomm.
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